IndieEthos podcast, Episode 8: Now playing movies + the Boaty Weekender recap

Photo by Hans Morgenstern

Here’s the latest Jolt Radio podcast. It came soon after I returned from “The Boaty Weekender,” so most of the show is about what that experience was like and some music from bands that played the indie music festival at sea. First, I discuss films now playing in South Florida or coming soon, including sharing part of my conversation with writer-director Lulu Wang (The Farewell director Lulu Wang on mixing screwball humor with pathos).

We begin by recognizing our sponsor for getting us on the air, the Coral Gables Art Cinema. We will have an unbiased review of one of the films we preview during our announcement by the end of the week. Then we get into a short review of The Nightingale, which we will also review this week– maybe as early as tomorrow. There is also This is Not Berlin, which I was happy to see enjoy a recent art house run, as I had feared the movie would not get picked up by a distributor after catching it at Miami Film Festival way back in March. Both films rank among my favorites of this year. We cap off our film discussion with a snippet of my conversation with Wang.

Finally, there is a recap of “The Boaty Weekender,” which we previewed here in a series of posts. What was that experience like, sharing a cruise ship with Belle and Sebastian, Yo La Tengo and Mogwai, among others? Well, our playlist goes through highlights of what bands we caught, in the order we caught them, with some color from the cruise itself, capping it off with shout outs to all the friends we had the pleasure to hang out with on several occasions during the cruise. Even though we traveled alone, being among such kindred spirits never meant feeling alone. Looking forward to Boaty 2.

Below is a gallery of images captured during the cruise on an old iPhone 5S, so pardon the quality:

Hans Morgenstern

(Copyright 2021 by Independent Ethos. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.)


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