Faust IV review published in “Goldmine”


So it’s been like five years, but I’m back into getting published in music magazines, beginning with my review for the Capitol Vinyl Vaults reissue of Faust IV. “Goldmine” has reintroduced me to the world of writing for music magazines, and– dare I say– I enjoy the challenge of having to write these shorter reviews due to the precious space provided by printed paper. Read the final product here.

You can also purchase the latest issue of the bi-monthly record collector’s magazine at newsstands, record shops  and larger bookstores, and now you can order subscriptions through Amazon.

The final product came out pretty good, I think. The editor barely touched it, and maybe I come across too harsh on CDs, but I still stand by the sound of the vinyl over the CD reissue of the album from a few years earlier. The separation of the instruments is much more pronounced on the vinyl to the tremendous benefit of the complex sound. It’s quite an amazing job. 

If I can find time, I might expand my writing beyond “Goldmine.” But for now future assigned jobs for “Goldmine” include: 

More Capitol Vinyl Vaults reissues (last I heard these were due out some time this month):
David Bowie – Aladdin Sane
David Bowie – Diamond Dogs (it will be interesting to see if the album has the Bowie/dog penis airbrushed away or not).
David Bowie – Young Americans 

Magnetic Fields – Realism (to be released on both CD and LP), due out Jan. 26 (LP with bonus CD comes out a bit later, on Feb. 9. 

Peter Gabriel – Scratch My Back, due out Feb. 15 in the UK and Mar. 2 in the US

Of course, watch this blog for expanded reviews of these releases. 

(Copyright 2010 by Hans Morgenstern. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.)


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