Fantastic Mr. Fox opens shop at iTunes

Fantastic Mr. Fox has yet to hit theaters, though many reviews have already made this film certified fresh (92% as of this writing) at good ol’ It’s due out on the day before Thanksgiving, on Nov. 25. I’ll aim to have a review of up by then, as I have the privilege of attending a press screening the night before. In the meantime, iTunes has dedicated a whole page to this new Wes Anderson flick. It features the deluxe soundtrack (you can also hear several tracks from the soundtrack on the film’s official homepage above, FYI) that includes two exclusive iTunes videos as well as bonus tracks. It also has the audio book (read by Roald Dahl, the man who wrote the original source, besides Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, of course). To top it off, there’s also a FMF app,  and, I am told, it will have podcasts from in-store events with Jason Schwartzman, Wes Anderson and even Meryl Streep.


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