The Lobster offers brilliant satire of the corrupted expectations of human...
Greek filmmaker Yorgos Lanthimos burst onto the International film scene in 2009 with the disturbing, Oscar-nominated family drama Dogtooth. There was no way it...
Sunset Song expresses the loveliness of impermanence in one of this...
"There are lovely things in the world. Lovely that don't endure and the lovelier for that." The line is uttered more than once in...
Watch the Sundance-selected, Miami-made short “The Sun Like a Big Dark...
It's been a while since I first saw the short film "El sol como un gran animal oscuro" or "The Sun Like a Big...
Mountains May Depart presents beautiful meditation on hope misplaced — a...
After the rather rich but violent A Touch of Sin, China’s Jia Zhangke returns with something more intimate though no less critical of his country’s...
My Golden Days explores the distorting filter of time with keen...
“I am not Ulysses. No nostalgia for my country,” says the anthropologist Paul Dédalus (Mathieu Amalric) to a lover in Greece. With a title...
The Clan confronts Argentina’s past with unflinching black humor — a...
The Clan may just be one of the most demented movies Argentina has ever produced. It’s a wide-eyed stare into the abyss of the...
Embrace of the Serpent director talks about casting Amazonian non-actors, cinematic...
Last week, Embrace of the Serpent, a movie that will certainly go down as one of the best films that saw release in the United...
The 33rd Miami International Film Festival wraps up with some more...
The 33rd edition of Miami Dade College’s Miami International Film Festival featured some strong movies, including at least a couple of films that this writer...
The 33rd Miami International Film Festival – so far
Sometimes cinema submits us into consent with images that tell us how to be, act or feel. The power of the Seventh Art can be...
Mapplethorpe: Look at the Pictures filmmakers talk about interview subjects and...
When documentary filmmakers Fenton Bailey and Randy Barbato began exploring who the American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe was for their in-depth documentary, Mapplethorpe: Look at...