5 recommendations at Miami Film Fest + New indie rock – Independent Ethos Radio Hour Episode 5


It’s been a while since I’ve been on Jolt Radio with a new episode of “The Independent Ethos Radio Hour.” Reviewing movies for Miami New Times on a regular weekly basis recently kept me busy with preview screenings that often happened on Tuesday nights. But that stint has now ended with Village Voice Media concluding their deal to allow original film criticism to run at Miami New Times, a hole my colleague Juan Barquin and I did our damnedest to fill. While that’s another sad chapter to address at another time, I finally have the independent opportunity to share news and pleasures of the indie film and music scene via my broadcast on Jolt. In this episode, the selections of films are culled from the 24 movies I caught as a juror/attendee at this year’s Miami Film Festival, and the music I share are discoveries I came across from only these past few months.

At Miami Dade College’s 36th Miami Film Festival, I once again joined fellow film critics as part of the Rene Rodriguez Critics Award. I also did some reporting on new movies by local directors, including Screwball (Billy Croben on the inspiration of child actors in Screwball and the continuing problem of ‘anti-aging’ clinics) and Vandal (Vandal filmmaker talks shooting in Wynwood, progress of film with del Toro produced by DiCaprio). Though Vandal has yet to receive a theatrical run (and judging from back-to-back sellout screenings there is interest in this movie), Screwball did. It kicked off my five recommendations of movies either now playing in theaters or coming soon. To hear what the other four were, play the podcast via the player below.

The other half of the show features strictly new music I’ve come across in the first quarter of the year. There’s always exciting new indie rock to discover. The set includes a couple of beloved artists from the ’90s who returned with some strong new music. But, mostly you’ll hear new compositions from younger acts that vary from the really obscure (Get a Life) to buzz worthy breakthroughs you may have already heard about (Sharon Van Etten). I hope it’s a fun, compelling balanced mix. With that, I’ll let the show speak for itself. Episode 6 will air May 21, at 9 p.m. EST.

Also, due to technical problems during the broadcast I never shared Episode 2. It’s been fixed with no evidence of glitches thanks to my re-editing of that show. Here is that (a hint of its contents is in the summary image):

Hans Morgenstern

(Copyright 2019 by Independent Ethos. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.)


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